Lenovo 300s Screen Goes Black for a Second

Ok, so before I begin this is more for the idea of just finding the faulty component.

The PC in question will most likely be replaced in 2021 and some of the parts in it now are the replacement parts. So please don't point out the 2070S overkill.

so this is my fiancée's PC, she uses it for gaming and CAD drawing & Graphic design it's in her own room with 3 screens hooked up to it and mirrored.

Original specks

Motherboard - 990X-gaming-SLI

CPU - FX8350

Ram - 32GB dominator LXP DDR3 ram (short of pulling it out, I do not know the speed but it was a pre-build)

GPUs – 2X EVGA 1070 in SLI

OS drive – Samsung NVME M.2 PCIe 250GB drive

PSU – Corsair RMi 850X

Sound card – soundblaster ZXR

Then I upgraded it in preparation to swap out the MB, RAM, CPU & GPUs.

Prep upgrade

Motherboard - 990X-gaming-SLI

CPU - FX8350

Ram - 32GB dominator LXP DDR3 ram (short of pulling it out, I do not know the speed but it was a pre-build)

GPUs – 2X EVGA 1070 in SLI

OS drive – Samsung NVME PCIe 250GB drive

PSU – Corsair RMi 1200X

Sound card – soundblaster ZXR

(side note, I swapped out the case for a bigger one.)

Then I upgraded the GPUs early as a gift to her… and to snag hers for my system since subnautica chugs on a 970…

GPU upgrade

Motherboard - 990X-gaming-SLI

CPU - FX8350

Ram - 32GB dominator LXP DDR3 ram (short of pulling it out, I do not know the speed but it was a pre-build)

GPUs – 2X EVGA 2070s in NVlink

OS drive – Samsung NVME PCIe 250GB drive

PSU – Corsair RMi 1200X

Sound card – soundblaster ZXR

Other things to note about all 3 systems, they all had sata drives. A BlueRay RW & a Samsung evo 850 1TB that have been in all 3 systems. Also her first two iterations had 2 * 2TB Seagate drives and the current iteration has a 3TB drive.

So with all that aside I would again like to note, this is not the final build, I will be getting a new MB, CPU, RAM and OS drive for her. Basically rebuilding her system with the twin 2070s in mind.

Now, the faults. Firstly

Random lockups

Once, every blue moon, her screen will freeze on windows, no idea as to when or how it happens. It just does… it might happen a month from now or today. This issue has persisted from the first to the current iteration.

Random going black for a second.

Ok, so my fiancée informs me this was something that "just happens" and has happened since the first iteration, she only told me now as before it was once in a month maybe and is now once every few days since the 2070S upgrade. (original specs) her screen will just go black for about 3 seconds then come back on as if nothing had happened. This has happened on both sets of GPUS so I have run a few tests, further note that her old 1070s are in my machine and work perfectly fine.

1 - furmark – 30, 60, 240 min stress test – passed all, stayed below 90, cooled to 50 when done.

2 – super positron – passed

3 - did it happen to multiple screens? – yes – so not the cables

4 – windows disconnect sound – no – the GPUs aren't disconnecting from windows. Windows makes a noise when something disconnects.

Since this has happened on multiple GPUs with multiple power supplies I'm ruling them out.

Bios freezes

I discovered this one today but the bios randomly freezes, I will either get into it and it will then freeze or it will freeze when I try to enter it or it'll work fine. PC boots to OS just fine and works fine until it locks up 3 months from now. But her bios does randomly freeze.

-end of faults-

So I have puzzled and pondered this for some time. Could be the sata ports, could be any number of things I do not know.

As I put before give me 4 months and she'll get a new system with the current GPUs, tower & sound card.

But I originally planed for the remaining system to become a gaming / film system in the bedroom. However before I do that I would like to run a few tests to see if I can sus out what the issue is. I do have a feeling these faults are connected, maybe I just have a bad Motherboard or a faulty sata cable.

So I thought I'd throw this out there and ask anyone on testing ideas. Anything sensible of course, first and foremost I'd like the bios to run smoothly.

currently I am running base tests and trying ideas to test wether it might be a part or overheating. for all I know it could be the exibel mouse that's doing it.

my testing so far

so for right now I'm focusing on trying to find out when the screen goes black for a second. as I mentioned before it was a non-isue back when she first noticed it and it's only after the 2070s getting installed that it's become an issue. since it was a fault that was present with her 1070's but happened maybe 1 a month but is now happening with the 2070S's once a few days. and her 1070s are in my PC and working just fine. (2 hour furmark test, ran the same web apps and no issues.) I can rule out the GPUs as actually being at fault.

as I mentioned before Furmark, Super positron, using multiple monitors to test cables, checking to see if windows flags the DC sound when it happens. I've done those. I also ran a 30min stress test via CPU-Z with core temp. never went over 47c. so I know it's not the CPU. the sound card was blocking the front fan of GPU 1 so I moved it to give the GPUs more breathing room but that didn't solve it. I have run memtest to check for RAM faults. further I have checked the bios version and it is version F1, the only bios version gigabyte made for this board.

Samsung magician is listing the M.2 drive as running high in temprature (57c), so I have ordered a low profile heatsink since the M.2 drive is under GPU1, from what my fiancée said the issue only seems to happen when she's running youtube or google docs on mozilla so I've had her move to chrome. (some research pointed out that mozilla is SSD heavy so I thought I'd see if it happened less with another browser. don't know how true that is...) the heat sink is going in Wednesday

If I can't resolve it I'll salvage what I can and trade in my twin 970s towards a 1660s and just have that in a new & cheap MB, RAM and CPU.

Final notes, Malwarebytes and kasperski say all versions of the system are clean so no malware issues.

So, testing ideas. As many as you can. I'll be putting them in to practice in 4 months time.

Lenovo 300s Screen Goes Black for a Second

Source: https://www.techspot.com/community/topics/windows-10-screen-goes-black-for-a-second-before-returning-to-normal.266394/

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